
Use these questions to help you to analyse at least 2 magazine articles:Put your answers on your blogs under the correct title and upload the magazine articles you have analysed (or hand them into me.)

1) How does the choice of band featured in the article suggest who the target audience will be? Because of the way they are dressed, the hat, the sunglasses which enables us from seeing their emotions. and their t-shirts all look kind of rockish. 2) What type of language is used in the article? Give examples of words or phrases which are specific to the style of the magazine
’’I’ll try to come across a little scarier...’’ ‘’Metellica’s go to make a better album!’’
3) How is colour used? The colours used are green and white, as for anchorage text is used black.
4) What style of text is used? Is it similar to any other pages? What does it say about the image of the magazine and the audience? The style of the text is used to make us questioning, for example scarier is written is big bold letters which makes us curious because we want to know why he will try to come across a little scarier
.5) How is the double page spread laid out? How much of the pages are taken up by images and how much by text? How does this reflect the audience? What do they value? Most of the pages is taken up by the image. However there is also a lot of text. I think the audience values both text and images.
7) How is the artist/band presented to the audience through the images? You may wish to carry out a textual analysis. The band is presented as really tough men who don’t want to be personal, this is because of the sunglasses, we can’t look in their eyes so we can’t see their emotions. Their bodylanguage is also really closed, they actually don’t look really nice to me.
9) Does the article demand any prior knowledge? Give examples. Yes, you need to have knowledge about the band metallica, I think you also need knowledge about other bands in the music industry.

) How does the choice of band featured in the article suggest who the target audience will be?The target audience will be people who like hip-hop music, this is suggested because of there is written ‘hip-hop connection’) What type of language is used in the article? Give examples of words or phrases which are specific to the style of the magazine The language used is kind of gangster, for example; no the gza, no wu-tang- It’s that simple. Yet he clan’s elder statesman still has creativity to burn... Also: It’s frustrating seeing rappers talk about the same shit all the time. There’s so much to write about.) How is colour used?The colours used are red and black for anchorage text and white for the background.

) How is the double page spread laid out? How much of the pages are taken up by images and how much by text? How does this reflect the audience? What do they value? Both the image and text take up half of the double page spread. It’s valued equally. 7) How is the artist/band presented to the audience through the images? The artist is presented as a smart young men.) How does the style of the article match the style of the front cover?
) Does the article demand any prior knowledge? Give examples. Yes you need to know knowledge about hip-hop music, this is because of the phrase ''It’s frustrating seeing rappers talk about the same shit all the time. There’s so much to write about''.