
Results quistionnaire

From the questionnaire it is clear to see that people like different types of music, however the genres R&B, pop and rock were the mostly mentioned. This is why my magazine is not specialized in one genre but covers all kind of music to attract a bigger audience. As to the question what would you like to see on a music magazine cover the majority said an attracting and/or interesting male or female artist. Also a striking head line seems to be important as well as anchorage text. As for the contents page this has to be organized and pictures which refer to articles appear to be liked. For the double page spread it is really important that it includes an interview with the artist on the front cover, although there are differences in the amount of text the audience likes to read quite a lot and wants quite a personnel interview. The first thing that gets the audience attention for all pages is as expected the image but also the colours used. I also asked why a magazine is bought; there was a choice between because your work requires it, because they are informative, because they are entertaining, because they are interesting. The majority said that they buy magazines because it is entertaining followed by because they are interesting, then because they are informative and least popular was because your work requires it.