
My front cover for the college magazine

Evaluation cover college magazine.

1. How does your school/college magazine relate to existing examples of these media forms?
School magazines often have photos of students on their front cover with students who are ‘looking’ at you because this attracts people. This is why I have a photo of two students who are outside and are smiling. The audience wants to know why the students are smiling and will read the text. The text is short and about events that are going on in the college at the moment.

2. What conventions have you used in terms of the following: Design, mode of address, use of imagery?.
As for design I kept it simple with just one photo of two students and one small picture of the great wall with related text. I kept it simple because the picture talks for itself and I didn’t want to make it too busy. The fonts used are different in style and size however I used just two colours which are blue and white. The anchorage is short and about events that are going on at the college.

3. How did you approach the tasks as an individual and how did you manage using the equipment and resources?
AT first I thought about what kind of picture I wanted to use and what anchorage text. Then I worked at home at my cover as well as in school when I had no lessons. I went to Mr. Peacock and he helped me with xara. To know what I should put on my cover, for example which picture is attractive, I followed the blog of TRC and looked at their example of front covers.

4. Can you provide any examples of creative problem solving decisions you have had to make in relation to the development of ideas/still photography/image/editing/ desk top publishing and trailing work?
At first I wanted to use the photo of my friend with angel wings on but the background was unattractive and I couldn’t change it with xara. So then I used the picture of me and my friend outside and the funny thing is it looks as if REGO is at the background. Because there are two faces on the cover it was difficult to find a place for the anchorage. I put the text between the faces and at the top right corner.

5. How did you manage your human resources; ie the people in your production?
I went to my friend's house and got them dressed up in the REGO uniform, Then made many of different pictures with them and different props

6. How did you manage locations for photograph and any costumes or props?
I used my friend’s house to make photos and my own Rego t-shirts. As for props I used angel wings. But eventually I used the photo of me and my friend in Holland.

7. Reflect on the importance of design and drafting and how the final outcome related to the draft layout in each case.

The design of the picture was quite important; MR Peacock told me people look at the left corner at the top and then the right corner at the bottom. And it was just a coincidence that my friends face is at the right bottom. As for colours I only used three which are blue, white and pink because it looks natural.

8. How did you manage your time?
I managed my time by working with Xara at home and when I had a free I went to the computer room.

9. Can you provide any examples of the DTP technology allowing you to do things that extended your creative control?
Well, it helped me with using the shape of a star with World Math Day in it.
And I made the masthead 3D.

10. Are there any examples of the technology limiting the creative process?
Yes, I couldn’t cut pictures and paste them again.

11. Throughout the two activities you have been making creative decisions based on ideas you were developing about your readers, where did those ideas come from and how did they influence the ‘micro’ detail of shot composition, framing, anchorage, text layout, mode of address and register?
I knew the audience is students and their parents, so the anchorage is related to the students. As well as the photo on the cover with two students smiling because this attracts people. And because they are outside the audience might want to know why they are outside. As said before people look at the cover in a particular way starting at the left top and then the right bottom, and my photo has a student at the right bottom.

12. What sense of reality have you constructed in each case and who is included and excluded as a result?

To give it a sense of reality I used a photo of two students and the anchorage is; REGO students clean the streets of shanghai. I excluded people who are not a part of the Rego school community.