
Contents page analysis

Does the magazine use images?
A lot of images actually, one bigger image and a few smaller images around it which are relevant to the text.

How have these images been constructed?
One dominant image, i guess there is an interview with this band.
And a few images around it.

How do they support your initial findings about the style of the magazine and its intended audience?
The images show rock bands, so the audience must like rock music and I think the audience age group will be around young adults and older.

What colours and fonts are used?
The background is white, 'contents' is yellow with a black background. The other subjects such as news and live reviews is also in yellow with a black background which makes it easier to read.

Does this support the style of the front cover?

How is the information organised so that it is accessible to the audience?
The different topics on the right hand are colored yellow with the correct pages beneath the topic. The small pictures of different band also have page numbers so they are easy to find in the magazine.

What are the different sections?
On the top there is something the editor wrote to his readers, there is 'this week' with the topics. And some pictures of different bands.

What does this tell you about the magazine?
That it is organised and mainy about band reviews.

Are there any promotional features?
Yes, they promote to get their readers the magazine delivered at their door for just 6 pounds per month.
Is the magazine logo placed anywhere on the page?

Does the brand have any other franchises?

Are these promoted on the contents page?