
My front cover for the college magazine

Evaluation cover college magazine.

1. How does your school/college magazine relate to existing examples of these media forms?
School magazines often have photos of students on their front cover with students who are ‘looking’ at you because this attracts people. This is why I have a photo of two students who are outside and are smiling. The audience wants to know why the students are smiling and will read the text. The text is short and about events that are going on in the college at the moment.

2. What conventions have you used in terms of the following: Design, mode of address, use of imagery?.
As for design I kept it simple with just one photo of two students and one small picture of the great wall with related text. I kept it simple because the picture talks for itself and I didn’t want to make it too busy. The fonts used are different in style and size however I used just two colours which are blue and white. The anchorage is short and about events that are going on at the college.

3. How did you approach the tasks as an individual and how did you manage using the equipment and resources?
AT first I thought about what kind of picture I wanted to use and what anchorage text. Then I worked at home at my cover as well as in school when I had no lessons. I went to Mr. Peacock and he helped me with xara. To know what I should put on my cover, for example which picture is attractive, I followed the blog of TRC and looked at their example of front covers.

4. Can you provide any examples of creative problem solving decisions you have had to make in relation to the development of ideas/still photography/image/editing/ desk top publishing and trailing work?
At first I wanted to use the photo of my friend with angel wings on but the background was unattractive and I couldn’t change it with xara. So then I used the picture of me and my friend outside and the funny thing is it looks as if REGO is at the background. Because there are two faces on the cover it was difficult to find a place for the anchorage. I put the text between the faces and at the top right corner.

5. How did you manage your human resources; ie the people in your production?
I went to my friend's house and got them dressed up in the REGO uniform, Then made many of different pictures with them and different props

6. How did you manage locations for photograph and any costumes or props?
I used my friend’s house to make photos and my own Rego t-shirts. As for props I used angel wings. But eventually I used the photo of me and my friend in Holland.

7. Reflect on the importance of design and drafting and how the final outcome related to the draft layout in each case.

The design of the picture was quite important; MR Peacock told me people look at the left corner at the top and then the right corner at the bottom. And it was just a coincidence that my friends face is at the right bottom. As for colours I only used three which are blue, white and pink because it looks natural.

8. How did you manage your time?
I managed my time by working with Xara at home and when I had a free I went to the computer room.

9. Can you provide any examples of the DTP technology allowing you to do things that extended your creative control?
Well, it helped me with using the shape of a star with World Math Day in it.
And I made the masthead 3D.

10. Are there any examples of the technology limiting the creative process?
Yes, I couldn’t cut pictures and paste them again.

11. Throughout the two activities you have been making creative decisions based on ideas you were developing about your readers, where did those ideas come from and how did they influence the ‘micro’ detail of shot composition, framing, anchorage, text layout, mode of address and register?
I knew the audience is students and their parents, so the anchorage is related to the students. As well as the photo on the cover with two students smiling because this attracts people. And because they are outside the audience might want to know why they are outside. As said before people look at the cover in a particular way starting at the left top and then the right bottom, and my photo has a student at the right bottom.

12. What sense of reality have you constructed in each case and who is included and excluded as a result?

To give it a sense of reality I used a photo of two students and the anchorage is; REGO students clean the streets of shanghai. I excluded people who are not a part of the Rego school community.


Contents page analysis

Does the magazine use images?
A lot of images actually, one bigger image and a few smaller images around it which are relevant to the text.

How have these images been constructed?
One dominant image, i guess there is an interview with this band.
And a few images around it.

How do they support your initial findings about the style of the magazine and its intended audience?
The images show rock bands, so the audience must like rock music and I think the audience age group will be around young adults and older.

What colours and fonts are used?
The background is white, 'contents' is yellow with a black background. The other subjects such as news and live reviews is also in yellow with a black background which makes it easier to read.

Does this support the style of the front cover?

How is the information organised so that it is accessible to the audience?
The different topics on the right hand are colored yellow with the correct pages beneath the topic. The small pictures of different band also have page numbers so they are easy to find in the magazine.

What are the different sections?
On the top there is something the editor wrote to his readers, there is 'this week' with the topics. And some pictures of different bands.

What does this tell you about the magazine?
That it is organised and mainy about band reviews.

Are there any promotional features?
Yes, they promote to get their readers the magazine delivered at their door for just 6 pounds per month.
Is the magazine logo placed anywhere on the page?

Does the brand have any other franchises?

Are these promoted on the contents page?


Evolution of Britney Spears part 1.

You can clearly see the evolution of Britney Spears on the cover of Rolling Stones magazine. How have these images been constructed to present ideas about the star?On this cover she is only 17!

Answer the following questions and make sure that you use appropriate terminology:

1) How has the image been framed/cropped? What type of shot has been used and why? What type of magazine is this typical of (refer back to the readership statistics) The shot used is a high angle shot, the world and people looking upon her, ready to give their opinion about her. I think the readership will be mostly male.

2) Describe Britney’s costume. What does it suggest about her image? Who is this appealing to? This picture is mostly appealing to males or young girls who want to be like Britney. Britney’s costume is really revealing although the big dotted panty makes it more sweet than sexy. The phone connotes her busy teenage life and the teletubby makes it even more childish. All this makes her look like a innocent young girl who might needs to be protected.

3) Have any props been used? What messages are they conveying to the audience? The teletubby suggests that she is still a young girl who needs the help of other people. The phone suggests her social life and the fact that she is always busy.

4) What setting is used and what are the connotations of this?
The silky background creates sex appeal which is in contract of the image, because back then she was famous for her ‘American sweetheart’ image.

5) Are any intertextual references being made? What are the connotations of this? The teletubby is connoting her inner child and the fact that she is actually too young to be on the cover this revealing. While the phone is connoting that there is always somebody that has something to say to her or a opinion about her.

6) What colours are used and why? The colours used are pink to show her feminine side and it is the colour that young girls love. Other colours used are black, white and purple.


A few ideas for REGO college magazine.

For the cover I could take photo's of the secondary students that are busy with the school play or I can take a picture of some friends running a marathon in nike/adidas clothes and promote the REGO MARATHON SPONSERED BY NIKE/ADIDAS or something!
since everybody is into charity nowadays.
The sixth form students are running a marathon at school to raise money for disabled people in China.

text on the cover would be; Nike/Adidas is all over REGO, or Nike/Adidas sponsoring REGO for charity, Nike/Adidas marathon @ REGO.
Or the title could be without a brand and about the sixth formers run for charity. But I think it is better with Nike or Adidas.

Glossary of key terms for magazine analysis

Glossary of Key Terms for Magazine Analysis (from the internet)

Masthead – The name and logo of the magazine.
The Lead – the introductory paragraph of an article. Usually written in bold or capitals.
Body copy refers to the text of your written articles, which should be produced as a printed presentation to accepted industry standards, e.g. correct use of language, font size, word limits etc. Usually written in columns.
Serif font – fonts like Times New Roman, or Baskerville Old Face, which have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letters.
Sans serif font – fonts like Impact, or Agency FB, which do not have little bars (serifs) on the end of the letters.
Drop Capitals – Really big letter, which start off an article.
Cross Head – Small sub-heading used to split up a large block of text.
White Space – white parts of a page other than text or pictures.
Mode Of Address – How the magazine talks to the audience.
Sell Lines – Text on the cover that helps to sell the magazine to the audience. Kerrang!’s sell line is “life is loud”.
Banners – text, which stands out because its on a coloured background.
House Style – a magazines distinctive design that distinguishes it from its competitors.
Borders – the gaps at the edges of the page.
Gutters – the gaps between the columns of text.
Leading - the space between lines of text.
Kerning - the space between letters.
Strap Lines – a smaller headline, printed above the main headline.
By-lines - name of the person who wrote the article. Picture Credits - where did the photos come from, or who took them.
Anchorage – The way in which text helps to pin down the meaning of a picture and visa versa.


music magazine front cover analysis (Madonna)

buzz words explanation and dictionairy.

What type of magazine is it?
Q is a music magazine which concentrates on new British pop music as well as old rock bands. I think it is for people who like all kinds of music.

From the front cover what kinds of issues/articles are going to be inside?
In the magazine there are going to articles about 50 best British albums, interviews with Madonna, Michael stripe, girls aloud. And there is a woman in music special.

Who is the target audience for the magazine? What particular age group? What are their interests? The target audience might be people from 20 up to 30 who like all kinds of music and are interested in the musicians their life. I think particular British people because of the button with 50 best British albums.

Look at the central image. What mode of address is the mag. using? What does this tell you about the type of relationship it wants with its reader? The magazine wants to share their interest for musicians and their life. The language used is closed texts which are easy to read. The magazine is not about the reader as in the most magazines such as cosmopolitan but about the music industry.

Who is on the front cover and why?
Madonna is at the cover because she is loved by all age groups and all over the world.

What does the anchorage text say? What does this imply about the artist?? What overall message is the artist giving? I am connoting that it is a interview about her personal life and that it may be quite shocking. I get this message because of the sporty, tough style and because the camera frame is a close-up.

Are any groups being represented? How does the magazine represent them?
The magazine represents women in music, and women are represented strong.

Are there any ‘buzz’ words(typically)? What effect does it have on the reader?
Girlpower, the reader may think that girls are taking over the music industry?

What does design of the title block tell you about the magazine What does the title of the magazine tell you about1. the readershipi think the readership would be women for this edition since it’s mostly about women in the music industry

.2. its image3. its style

What do the ‘puffs’ suggest will be inside the magazine? What does this tell you about the type of audience the magazine expects to get?

Stupid question and interview Madonna suggest that it is about Madonna’s personal life. Women in music industry suggests that it is all about women and how they survive the though music industry. Also Rolling stones and Artic monkeys suggest suggest articles about them and what they are doing at the moment. It defenitely suggests that the reader has to be interested in the musician.

Is there a slogan? What does it tell you about the magazine? How does it help to attract readers? ‘Britian’s Biggest Music Magazine’ tells us it’s mainly about British musicians and for British readers.

What colours are used? Do you find them attractive?
The colors used are white, red, black and a little bit blue.
I actually like the colors, the cover looks interesting.

What fonts are used and why?What strategies does the magazine use to attract the audience?
The magazine uses different colours and sizes to attract us. For example for 'Madonna' is a oustanding color red used and the size is big.