
MUSIC magazine brainstorming

Since we got this coursework I've been busy with it, but most of the time I had creative ideas for the music magazine and not for the college magazine yet.

For the music magazine I was thinking about a new cabaret group which also plays music instruments such as saxophone, cello and violen. Overall it was more a combination of a cabaret show, think of; liza minelli, mouling rouge, masquerade ball, the movie chicago, the circus and showgirls feeling. This new group is gonna be 'it'.
Since we can't use photo's from the internet I was thinking to use my friends when I am in holland, which is during chinese new year. I could use two boys and four girls with blond hair, brown hair, red hair and one with long black curls. To make that photo I need to buy here some masks with feathers and a had. It is quite difficult to give the photo a cabaret show feeling, but maybe when I take it in the old train station and let them dress up over the top it could work.
On the other hand I could do my cousin and her boyfriend who just got a baby. I was thinking about this because nowadays at all the covers you see close-ups of hollywood stars with their new born 'wonderbaby'. I could pretend them to be Heidi klum and Seal or something since my cousin is white and her boyfriend is black. and then do a interview with them at the dubble page.

If I do this I could use the new cabaret group for the college magazine, using this idea as students from the most prestigious theather-drama school, who just created a whole new entertainment show.

But then again, I am just then days in holland. And they all have to go to school. Also it is hard to get the music instruments although I know people with a violin and saxophone, but are they gonna lend it to me?
At least I can ask their help and if it doesn't work I have to come up with another idea.
As for the masthead, i have no idea about that yet, depends on whether the cabaret photo in Holland is gonna work.

Well, i haven't decided anything yet, maybe I'll have better ideas.